How to Prepare GK For the LIC AAO Exam?
Preparing for the GK (General Knowledge) section of the LIC AAO (Assistant Administrat…
A lot of candidates find it hard to study for this section because the list of topics is so long and it's impossible to cover all of them. Well, …
Read morePreparing for the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination is no easy feat, and staying up to date with current affairs Question Answers i…
Read moreGeneral knowledge is an important aspect of competitive exams. It helps you to build your overall knowledge and skills that are necessary for various…
Read moreपुराने सिक्के, जिन्हें एंटीक या विंटेज सिक्कों के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, वे सिक्के हैं जिन्हें कई साल पहले ढाला और परिचालित किया गया था। उन्हें आमत…
Read moreOne of the national-level entrance exams that give the GK section equal weight is the CMAT. The general awareness section is rumored to be the one th…
Read more1. उत्तर प्रदेश को पूर्व में किस नाम से जाना जाता था ? (A) यूनाइटेड प्रोविन्स (B) आर्य प्रदेश (C) अवध प्रान्त (D) उत्तरी प्रान्त Answer: A 2. उत्तर प…
Read morePreparing for the GK (General Knowledge) section of the LIC AAO (Assistant Administrat…